Why I’m a BlissNinny

by | Spirituality

Why am I a BlissNinny? The short, simple answer is that, at this point in my life, I can’t be anything else. I was meant to be a BlissNinny, it just took me over 40 years to realize it!

I was one of those people who made fun of, and felt superior to, people who were like me as I am now. People who were into metaphysical stuff, people who talked about (and to) psychics, people who were psychic!

Then I met Judi and started taking meditation classes with her and I learned that I, alone, am responsible for what happens in my life (not an easy pill to swallow – playing the victim and the martyr is so much more enticing and “easy”). I realized how much I let fear govern my life and I worked to release those fears. I learned how to breathe. I learned that I don’t have to be perfect. I learned that All Is Well. Most of all, I learned that living a conscious life is the best, and now, the only, way for me. I don’t think I could return to being the old me even if I wanted to.

Over the course of eleven years (so far), I have changed from an angry, resentful, borderline bitter person, to an adult woman who strives to Assume Love in all things and to live with compassion and neutrality. I’ve finally become the person I always was, but didn’t have the tools to release. I’ve learned to accept myself in all my imperfect glory!

I feel so much more at peace in this world, more at peace with who I am and what I do. It’s an amazing feeling to often be able to look at someone and realize that they are coming from a place of hurt and fear, and what is happening with them has nothing to do with me. It’s even more amazing to look at that picture and recognize myself.

I’ve met some truly awesome people over the last eleven years. I am privileged to call them friends. I’m even more privileged to call the three other members of BlissNinny AiryFairy WooWoo Wellness Center, family. These people can sometimes light me up faster than a red light camera, and thank God for that gift since that helps me work on stuck places in me. But more than that, these are the people whom I know will always have my back, who will always be honest with me, even (especially) if it’s something I don’t want to look at in myself. They will always love me for who I am, and I love them all with my heart.

So yes, I am a BlissNinny all the way! There’s nothing else I want to be. I embrace the title with the amusement with which it was intended when we selected our name for the Center. Like I said in the beginning, at this point in my life, I can’t be anything else. BlissNinny is in my DNA! Living life as a conscious BlissNinny is incredibly fun!