The Power of Reiki and Creativity

by | Energy, Life Lessons, Spirituality

This month marks ten years since the practice of Reiki entered my life. For those who are unfamiliar, “Reiki” is a Japanese modality of energy healing that is administered by the laying on of hands. The term “Rei” directly translates as “universal” however, it refers to the spiritual dimension and the higher self. “Ki” means “vital life force” and refers to the understanding that an energy that flows through and comprises all living things, and realities, for that matter. 

Reiki energy is already complete and whole within itself. Neither positive nor negative, it is truly universal. As a practitioner, Reiki flows through you (not from “you” or your body) and has an innate intelligence of its own: it knows where it needs to flow. You are simply acting as the channel for the energies to move through. 

I feel that the reason hand positions are used in this practice is because the power of human touch is already such a natural comforting mechanism that stems from our birth. The laying of hands by the practitioner also helps to focus the flow of energy to a specific area. What I’d like to call the “Reiki flow” brings with it a palpable physiological experience that is unique unto itself. 

Looking back at it now, my attunement occurred pretty early on in my spiritual quest. It was a time when my experience of synchronicity was relatively new and seemed to be snowballing. 

The night of my attunement, I picked up my guitar and began singing some songs— as I normally would have done, and still do. But, I noticed an incredible sensation that was new and felt AMAZING… my Reiki was spontaneously running through me as I was singing, and I could really feel the flow. I mean my damn teeth were vibrating! It’s pretty clear now that Reiki energy aided in opening up my inner voice, and by default, my actual voice. 

Ever since I started working with Reiki, I find that my body especially likes to run it when I am expressing my creativity— performing & singing. This was completely unexpected, and I consider it one of the gifts that the energy brought to my experience of life. 

As a singer-songwriter, my journey as a vocalist has been a long and challenging one. But I do believe that there was always something inside of me that needed to have the act of singing as a creative outlet— and Reiki energy no doubt broke that loose. It gave me the permission and strength to use and develop my voice. 

One summer evening, I was at a barbecue with a few acquaintances, but for the most part, I didn’t know anyone in attendance. A few guitars made themselves known, and after the sun had set, I was performing an original song, Lakota Girl with my band-mate-cousin-brother (long story there, but he’s a musical soul brother in every sense). I can still remember the string-lit vibe. The smell of citronella in a humid summer air. We had been sitting on a plastic top fold-out table. 

This particular song has got a movement to it, with peaks and valleys. It was written after my first journey to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and lyrically it’s a lullaby and lament of sorts. It sprung from an emotional place of not knowing if you were ever going to see a specific person ever again. 

“Please stay/Another night/Your face in the moonlight… Close your eyes/Breathe in/Feel the love in this moment…”

After we played the song, a woman who I’d never met before, came up and expressed gratitude for the song. “Your voice is beautiful,” she spoke. “That song took me on a journey, and I could see colors and swirls. Are you spiritual?”

Hehe. Yup. Now as a work in progress, any positive feedback on my voice I tend to have a tough time hearing. But coming from a stranger and hearing that my voice painted a picture of a spiritual journey, I really felt a sense of a breakthrough, and another moment where Reiki worked its magic in a vocal performance.  

When you welcome Reiki into your life, you not only become equipped with a powerful healing tool. You also allow a new space for your personal healing, and reiki energy will bring a unique spiritual “flavor” to your life and your growth. There’s no telling what it might do for you.

If you are on the fence about Reiki, or completely mystified by it, I encourage you to explore it. When used respectfully and neutrally, It is completely dogma-free, harmless, and it can adapt to any belief system. This aspect does rely entirely upon the practitioner. I’ve known some healers who will combine their own body energies with Reiki energy, which is not the approach we take here at BlissNinny, for doing such a thing is not what we consider respectful. 

Energetic respect mirrors a sense of compassion; by maintaining clear boundaries with the person being healed, I, as the healer, keep my own personal energy within my space and all external energies out, and I neutrally allow the Reiki energy to flow from the Universe to my hands to the person being healed. Ultimately, the healer is not responsible for the transformational results— the heal-ee is. A respectful healer knows that all he/she is doing is creating a space for an individual to heal themselves.

Reiki is an excellent tool for ye olde tool belt and you never know, the energy might surprise you with its gifts!

I’ll leave you with a higher heart prayer that was given to me at the time of my initiation:

I am loved and I am loving. 

I am fully worthy & deserving of light, love, and joy in my life. 

I ask the universe to work with and through me.

I am happy, healthy, and whole.