Assume Love™ Class Series


(No prerequisites)

In Med I, you will be given tools to help you ground, distinguish your own energy from the energetic “soup” most of us swim in on a daily basis, define and clear your space, identify and own your aura, and begin to become aware of your energy body. You will be introduced to the concept of neutrality, as it applies to life experience and clairvoyant clarity. You will be expected to meditate daily, and asked to bring a notebook along to take notes from class. You will also use this notebook to jot down your own “psychic moments” outside of class. While the notebook is for your benefit, you are required to bring it to every class as a memory aid. It can be a pretty amazing tool.

Only when your energy is clear and your body grounded can you safely begin to access your natural psychic abilities, so in Med I we start with a good housecleaning and work up to the other stuff, like healing with energy and talking to dead people. (That’s what clairvoyants do when they’re bored.)

We set the energy of the class at curiosity and playfulness.

Meditation I is open to everyone — no books, reading, or any other prep is required.


(Prerequisite: Meditation I)

Picking up where Med I left off, during Med II, you will learn additional techniques to manipulate energy, begin to create with energy, become aware of the reality of spirit, and own your space. This class guides the student to begin using their inherent clairvoyant abilities.


(Prerequisite: Meditation II)

During this session, you will deepen your understanding of this type of meditation, and further refine the skills you learned in both Meditation I and Meditation II. This is a great space to ask questions!