
Assume Love™ Class Series


(Prerequisite: Crystal Healing III)

The nature of the Kundalini is a topic of some debate. I’ve studied with folks who say that it takes years of esoteric meditative practice to ‘uncoil the serpent’ and feel even a faint flush of kundalini flowing, and yogis who say that the only way to jump-start this body energy is, again, through years of practice with certain breathing techniques, yoga positions, and asanas. I finally found someone who taught me to start it flowing with a simple focusing technique. It took about twenty minutes to get it up and running.

It took almost thirty minutes to learn how to turn it back off.

For folks coming out of Healing II, touching into the Sacred Transformational Fire by raising your Kundalini is a natural next step. It’s interesting stuff, and an awful lot has been written about it. But what I can confirm from my own experience of working with it and teaching it is that it’s a powerful spiritual energy resident in every human body that, put in its simplest terms, can take any vibration and transmute it to a higher one. Period. That’s all it does. But when consciously applied to the experience of human existence and used in conjunction with the energies of the individual chakras, it enough to keep the average student busy raising and lightening their energy for years.

That said, although this is not an energy to be taken lightly, I highly recommend the Kundalini classes as a way to reserve time in a sacred space of guided meditation to learn more advanced techniques for healing yourself.


(Prerequisite: Kundalini I)

Picks up where Kundalini I left off, working additional avenues for clearing and transforming old, stuck energy and shifting it to lighter, more empowering vibrations.


(Prerequisite: Kundalini II)

This class is only open to students who have already taken AT LEAST Kundalini I, who are in conscious communication with their Healing I and II healer-guides, and who are ACTIVELY meditating DAILY. You have to be running Kundalini for some time, in this case, at least two or three months, to safely explore some of the things it can do.

I thought this was an interesting link describing the nature of Kundalini.