Oneness Perspective

We recognize that each of us is a unique expression of the same Divine whole.

We feel that we are like an acapella group – each voice harmonizing with the others to create a beautiful, soulful vibration. Our individuality is necessary to add creative variety, yet should not be confused with separateness. There is no “us” versus “them,” because in the big picture there is no “other.” Although God, by whatever name you call the Divine, may have split itself into infinite sparks of consciousness in order to enjoy the experience of individuality and find the value of community and relationship, there is only Oneness.


Neutrality, as we see it, is a deliberate, conscious stance of nonjudgment.

All of our work is derived from a stance of nonjudgment. We have seen that, from a place of nonjudgment, there is no “right” or “wrong,” no “good” or “bad.” There is only the experience, and what one learns from it. We find this stance to be tremendously liberating and in accord with free will, trusting that a person’s own discernment will guide them to what works best for them, on their present path, in the moment.

 Free Will

We define Free Will as an awareness of the fact that we alone are responsible for the expression of our lives.

We define “responsibility” as “the ability to respond,” which we see as a stance of strength. Assuming Free Will acknowledges our ability to decide the course of our lives through the decisions that we make, which we feel is utterly congruent with the Oneness Perspective. As sparks of the Divine embodied, we are expressing infinite creativity in shaping our lives. At the same time, we also acknowledge that, since we are expressing our lives through our personality and ego, we may not always be fully aware of the spiritual “big picture” perspective, or of the lessons we have aligned for ourselves in this incarnation. So when an event occurs in our lives, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, we own it and look for the lessons it brings. To do otherwise would degenerate into a “victim” mindset, and this we eschew. When one accepts the tenet of Free Will, the concept of “blame” becomes incompatible in one’s reality. Free Will and blame are mutually exclusive.

Being Conscious

We practice a body-centric meditation to help us live consciously and comfortably within our own skin.

We know that we create our own realities, and that we are often subconsciously impacted by our own thoughts, past experiences, and by the energy that surrounds us. We also know that we are responsible for our own well-being, meaning that we have the ability to respond with forethought, rather than react out of habit. We focus on being grounded, neutral, and mindful of our internal state and our surroundings.

Assume Love®

We understand that we all are doing the best we can in the moment.

When we can see another human being from a neutral, spiritual perspective, it’s easier to understand that people sometimes become emotionally volatile and challenge our sense of safety from a place of fear or pain, not intentional hostility. When we can be senior to our habitual responses and meet others with compassion instead of blame or judgment, it can be easier for them to identify and release the root causes of their distress. We believe that God is guiding us now, and are committed to bringing Christ-force energy–the energy of Grace—into our daily lives.

We believe that kindness is a sublime expression of compassion. By maintaining a neutral, compassion-based perspective as we serve, we show respect for others and ourselves.


We promote authenticity and integrity.

By authenticity, we mean that we are true to who we really are and encourage others to be so, as well. By integrity, we mean being senior in our own space, choosing to be conscious and focused; being impeccable with our word; and practicing what we teach while teaching what we practice. We know that while none of us is perfect, we are dedicated to perfecting.


To quote Joe Dirt; “Life is a garden. Dig it.”

Don’t take yourself, or life, so seriously. Enjoy the ride, have fun, and cultivate amusement. Choose to perceive the events of the world lightly. Choose to adapt to change with a playful mindset. Allow ease. Allow your inner child to dance and play.

We’re cheerfully aware that life can be challenging. However, we believe that as immortal spirits embodied we came here to be challenged, to learn, and to grow. And we have learned through the lessons of our own lives that we all have the ability to directly impact our comfort level while on our journeys. Most people create their reality by default though their habitual thoughts and emotions. We believe that through focus and consciousness we can change our direction in life —and have fun while doing it.

Conscious Altruism

While we understand that financial compensation is an important aspect of the “exchange of value” game on this planet, what truly motivates us is an internal wellspring of compassion which inspires us to support others on their journey.

We want to be of service, and yet we believe that it is as important to know why we are giving as it is to give. We teach for the joy of empowering another’s self-healing and growth, knowing that God’s creative abundance is available to everyone.


Our goal is to provide classes and services that help others understand and grow from their life experiences.

We have decades of spiritual learning and experimentation narrowed down to techniques and tools that work. And we love to share them.