Herbs and Potions


We have been advised to include the following disclaimer. “Statements throughout this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease process, and should be used, or not, at your own discretion. We make no overt recommendation that you use, or not use, these products.

In keeping with our stated ethic of free will and self-direction, the suggested uses of the products listed below are included here solely for their educational value. We cannot anticipate the conditions under which this information, or these products, may be used. We accept no responsibility for results obtained by the application of this information or the safety and suitability of these suggested products, either alone or in combination with other products. Users are advised to make their own decisions, testing for themselves to determine safety and suitability of each such product or product combinations for their own purposes.

MediNatura T-Relief

Topical Pain Relief cream and tablets.

If you mix in a few drops of Alleviate (see below) it kicks up the efficacy.

MediNatura T-Relief Arthritis Pain Relief

Topical Pain Relief for arthritis

barefut brand Alleviate oil

Topical pain relief oil. If you mix in a few drops of Alleviate MediNatura T-Relief (see above) it kicks up the efficacy.

Hyland’s Calms Forté

Homeopathic sleep aid

Hyland’s Calms

Homeopathic anxiolytic. Safely takes the edge off of tension and anxiety.

Kava Kava capsules

We like this brand. Kava is a calmative herb that soothes and relaxes without inducing drowsiness. Promotes feelings of general well-being. 


Another topical pain reliever formulated with essential oils, that doubles as a phenomenal aromatic to open and soothe sinuses. Contains white camphor, eucalyptus, aloe vera, peppermint, rosemary, lemon, and orange. Sore shoulder or head cold—it helps.

Young Living PanAway

Topical Pain reliever. Includes the naturally occurring constituents methyl salicylate, gamma-curcumene, menthol, and eugenol.

Young Living Abundance Oil

We like this oil as a fragrant reminder that abundance is all around us. And we have to say that it’s uncanny how often checks seem to arrive a day or two after wearing it as a fragrance.

AchyBreaky Oil

Pain Relief Essential Oil Roll On. Deep relief for joints, muscles, arthritis Contains Clove Peppermint Helichrysum Wintergreen. The roll-on bottle is convenient.

Protease + NK

Oral enzyme taken for pain and stiffness. “Proteolytic enzymes (Proteases) are protein digesting enzymes used by the entire body circulation – not just for digestion. Proteases, once absorbed, act as scavengers that literally clean up the microcirculation of fibrin and other inert protein particles.”

Luminas Patches

Judi’s actually quite a cynic, and she got these because she was certain they wouldn’t work. Much to her surprise, they worked beautifully on her body. To quote from their web site, “Modern physics tells us that everything is energy. All-natural remedies therefore have a unique electric field signature. The LUMINAS charging technology uses resonant carrier waves to capture the electric field signatures of hundreds of natural remedies and imprints them into the wearable Mylar patch.

Once applied to the skin, LUMINAS patches interact with the body’s electric field to release the remedy signatures directly to the body. This activation results in fast acting and targeted relief from pain and inflammation, without any drugs, chemicals, or known side effects. LUMINAS Relief patches are 100% safe.”

You’re reading it correctly: these are pain management patches that reduce pain AND inflammation using ONLY the energy signature of herbal substances encoded on a soft patch. It states on the box that “There are no active ingredients,” which must be a marketing first. Judi self-treated a severe groin pull for two weeks using ONLY Luminas patches. It was mind-blowing how effective they were.

 Available through Luminas website and through Amazon.


This Ayruvedic herb is classified as an adaptogen, meaning that it can help your body manage stress. It also has been suggested that it can boost brain function, lower blood sugar and cortisol levels, and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Alocane Emergency Burn Gel

Readily available at Walgreens and Target, we keep it around to soothe burns or other skin injuries while the healing herbs kick in.

Traumaplant Comfrey Cream

For any dermatological affront, from sunburn to skinned knee, this is our favorite brand. It can often be found in health food stores and drug stores.

Sovereign Silver

With the smallest particles (and therefore, smallest dose) of silver, this is our favorite silver product. This stuff even knocked out Judi’s bronchitis.

ThirdRock Rash Block

Patented, silver based, non-petroleum ointment that prevents and eliminates irritation by reducing bacteria growth. We’ve used it with great results for everything from UTIs to styes on the dogs’ eyelids.

Ancient Apothecary Frankincense Trinity

The upside? Our favorite therapeutic frankincense blend, with Boswellia carterii, Boswellia frereana and Boswellia serrataóan. Pure, and absorbs beautifully! The downside? Not cheap.

Penta Water

Judi’s body led her to this product and wouldn’t let her leave the store without it. Absolutely pure water, broken down into the smallest molecular particle of physical water possible: 5H2O, hence “Penta.” If you’re in an older body and feeling chronically dehydrated, it’s because over time, older bodies develop thicker cell walls, making it harder to hydrate. But this stuff ABSORBS!

Milk of Magnesia Deodorant

Yep! Milk of Magnesia makes an unbelievably effective deodorant that’s aluminum free. It doesn’t just cover up body odor, it neutralizes it completely.

Essiac Tea

In the 1920s, Canadian nurse Rene Caisse promoted Essiac tea as a natural cancer treatment, claiming that it was given to her by a patient who originally received it from an Ontario Ojibwa medicine man.

Essiac (Caisse backwards) tea is an herbal tea blend reputed to have anticancer properties. We use it to enhance immune response with colds and flu.


Touted as a gentle, systemic cleanse product, this tea has the same ingredients as Essiac tea, above. We use it in much the same way that we use Essiac; as an herbal drink to support the immune system. Oddly enough, Judi finds that it works better for her than Essiac.

Papaya Enzymes

Just a really good digestive aid, although it’s said to promote nutrient absorption as well.

CharcoCaps Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal binds to unwanted gas and toxins in the intestines and carries them out of the digestive system. CharcoCaps® does not irritate the stomach, promotes digestive comfort, helps maintain healthy digestive function.


Beano is a digestive aid that contains an enzyme that helps break down foods that produce gas.

Can be found in any name drug store, or online.


OTC product that works well to eliminate discomfort caused by UTIs or irritation of the bladder.


We tried this one for restless legs, and it helped a lot. The natural horse chestnut extract in Venestat, according to their description, “helps strengthen capillaries, maintain a natural fluid balance and protect against edema and swelling. Take clinically proven Venestat to safely and effectively help relieve achy, tired or swollen legs and to promote healthy leg vein circulation.”

Epsom Salts

The SaltWorks website has a lot of info on the benefits of Epsom Salts. We quote: “Studies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin, making Epsom salt baths an easy and ideal way to enjoy the associated health benefits. Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body including regulating the activity of over 325 enzymes, reducing inflammation, helping muscle and nerve function, and helping to prevent artery hardening. Sulfates help improve the absorption of nutrients, flush toxins, and help ease migraine headaches.”

Here’s a link to their info:

I love this company—from super fine grain to really coarse, you can buy a 5 lb bag or a 2000 lb pallet of epsom salt.

They also carry regular salts of all kinds.