Assume Love™ Class Series


(Prerequisite: Healing II)

Crystals and gemstones have been used to enhance the experience of life since the first proto human picked up a sparkly rock and took it back to her cave. Kings, Queens, Shamans, and Wizards have declared their status by holding the right rock. More recently, crystals have been used to transmit sound over great distances, and keep your watch ticking with pinpoint accuracy. They called it magic. We call it science. Maybe it’s a little bit of both.

Crystal Healing I is mostly about having fun with the vibrations of rocks and crystals, but it’s also about putting the healing techniques you’ve learned to use in a slightly different way, bringing the energy of the earth into communication with the human body. It’s always fun to watch students move from, “I don’t feel anything when I pick up a rock” at the beginning of the first class, to being “tuned in” to the mineral world, and happily vibing along with the rest of us, before the first class is over.

You’ll be introduced to rocks from my private collection, so bring a notebook. (Trust me, you’ll want to remember each crystal’s name.) As part of the class, we will give you a basic set of stones to keep, take home, and play with. We also provide some basic “rockhound” reference information about the chemical composition of stones, so you know which ones are safe to hold or drop in your bath, and which are better handled with caution—if at all! Schedules permitting, we will take a road trip to a local rock store one weekend during the session.

You’ll learn to do simple, but powerful, healing layouts on your classmates and on yourself. This is a really fun class that turns on your psychometry – the ability to sense energy with your hands.


(Prerequisite: Crystal Healing I)

Can’t differentiate between an Isis Crystal and a double-terminated phantom? Wouldn’t know a Faden crystal if it bit you on the behind? Do you think a “tabby” is some kind of cat? I feel your pain. Luckily, we’ve got a class for that. CHII is about learning to identify different types of quartz crystals; what they look like and what they do. While doing that you’ll be getting to play with some unusual powerhouse stones and learn some basic quartz layouts. It’s a fun class.

You will be required to purchase a $15 book, which we will have available for sale. The is The KISS Guide to Crystals by Diane Bloom. If you already have this book, bring it with you to class. You may also want to bring your tumbled stones from Crystal Healing I with you. We will have small quartz crystals for sale.


(Prerequisite: Crystal Healing II)

Healing with minerals and crystals is an art that has been used since the first human picked up a shiny rock and liked how it felt in her or his hand. From Native America to Tibet, sand paintings, which were really layouts of millions of microscopic crystals, have been used in healing ceremonies for millennia. Crystals fascinate us. Crystals emit subtle electrical impulses, which activate the human body’s neurological systems. And each kind of crystal has its own unique energy signal, which stimulates different healing effects in the body.

In prior classes, you played with laying rocks and crystals on the body itself. In this class, you integrate mineral energy into your daily environment. Creating layouts with crystals and tumbled gemstones is one of the most soothing and enjoyable ways to make the most use of your rock collection. Not only does this activity allow you to consciously handle your rocks and crystals, it actually creates a sustained energy field in the room where you place the layout, promoting emotional and mental harmony in your environment. Layouts, like crystals, can be programmed to generate the energy of a specific intent or “charged” with Reiki or Christforce energies to radiate energies of well-being.

And they’re pretty! It’s more fun than coloring–and you get to play with rocks!!!


  • Your crystal collection
  • A round pie pan or cake pan
  • if you have “special” sand from a place that’s sacred to you, bring a few cups along in a plastic bag; if not, sand will be provided
  • Small seashells or personal sacred items

We will be working with Judi’s rock collection to learn different layouts, but as always, we will have rocks and crystals available for sale.