Cool Stuff

We have collected some great resources over the years. Check them out!

Friends of BlissNinny

If you are looking for mindful artists, astrologers, attorneys, photographers, or other service providers, we’ve got you covered!

Herbs and Potions

We are not doctors. We don’t even play them on TV. But like most people, we have tried various herbal and over-the-counter products and have found several that work for us. People are always asking us, “What do you use for this?”, so we thought we would have a corner for products that we have found to be effective. If there’s anything you use that isn’t on this list, let us know, we’d like to try it!

Music and Sound

Music soothes the spirit and uplifts the soul. Our very own Ryan Herrick is a talented sound healer. We also recommend music groups, such as Brule, and other sounds, such as binaural beats, that aid in sound healing.

Recommended Reading

Between the four of us, we could probably furnish our own fully-stocked spiritual library. Here are a few of our favorites.