Our Blog

The Perceived is the Perceiver

The Perceived is the Perceiver

I was listening to a lecture by Alan Watts the other day. He was meditating on the nature of reality, perception, and experience. Watts was noting that the human experience is one rooted in duality; a sensual cacophony that leads one to believe that the ultimate...

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Why I Am Excited About BlissNinny

Why I Am Excited About BlissNinny

I am so thankful, excited, and eager to create a healing collective through BlissNinny that will touch lives, spark inspiration, create BIG personal breakthroughs and usher humanity towards its higher purpose as we walk this reality together. I firmly believe in what...

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Why I’m a BlissNinny

Why I’m a BlissNinny

Why am I a BlissNinny? The short, simple answer is that, at this point in my life, I can’t be anything else. I was meant to be a BlissNinny, it just took me over 40 years to realize it! I was one of those people who made fun of, and felt superior to, people who were...

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How I Came To Be a BlissNinny

How I Came To Be a BlissNinny

In this fascinating era of self-absorption, self-promotion—where your name and “look” are now being put forth as your “Brand,” as though you were a product and not a person; in this time of widespread social media coverage of the trivial, commonplace, and staged,...

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Why I’m Glad to Be a BlissNinny

Why I’m Glad to Be a BlissNinny

(By former founding member, Annette Wisniewski) For me, our vision statement says it all, but I’ve been charged with writing 500 words, so I’ll elaborate on a few of my favorite beliefs, not in any particular order. Playfulness: BlissNinnies Unite! We chose the...

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