About Us

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Our Team

Judi Hendricks

Judi Hendricks

Chief Energy Oscillator (CEO)

Born a full-blown touch empath with her psychic abilities up and running, Judi Hendricks spent the first 30 years of her life studying any psychological or energetic discipline she could find to learn to master her own “gifts.” Having achieved a modicum of success in that, she spent the next three decades teaching and healing healers. An Interfaith Minister, Reiki Master and crystal healer with an international clientele, she thinks of her vocation as “Psychospirituality,” teaches in-body meditation, energy, crystal, and sound healing, and offers private clairvoyant sessions to support the sensitive psychics she thinks of as the world’s “canaries.” 

Chris Bourgeois

Chris Bourgeois

Director of Operations

Chris is a certified Reiki Master, energy healer, artisan, entrepreneur and practicing clairvoyant. Having completed courses in the Silva Mind Control Method and received certification as a hypnotherapist, Chris’ longing for self-improvement and life-long interest in spirituality and the metaphysical has always been her guiding light. In 2008, she began taking meditation classes and working her energy with Judi Hendricks and has been enjoying self-growth and conscious living ever since. An avid reader, she credits her love of mysteries with her ability to notice details and keep organized. She is a collector of crystals and paper and makes art out of her in-home studio, Paper Goddess Studios.

Ryan Herrick

Ryan Herrick

Director of Abundance

Ryan is a musician, humanitarian, spiritual activist, teacher, healer and homebuilder. Based in North Chicagoland by way of New England, Ryan sojourned to the Midwest to deepen his work as a healer and clairvoyant with Judi Hendricks, Rev. in 2015. No matter the task, Ryan seeks Spirit in all things, and his expanded perspective helps him to create, teach, and heal from a cleaner, more neutral space of compassion. He loves dogs, the outdoors, psychology, and carries a deep passion for Native American rights and advocacy.