The Power of Thought

by | Awareness, Energy, Life Lessons

You create your reality through the power of your thought. 

What a controversial statement! You might be saying to yourself right now, “NO WAY! If that was true, I certainly wouldn’t have created [insert dramatic or uncomfortable situation here].” 

Neuroscience has shown that the majority of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behavior depend on the programming in our subconscious mind. That means we are mostly creating our reality unconsciously. That is why tools, like mindfulness and meditation, are so important; they help us to live more consciously.

Here’s a personal example of the power of positive thinking. After my divorce, I rented a house for a while to give me time to think about my next steps. While there, I started imagining my dream house – a lot. After learning that I LOVED kayaking, I knew I wanted to live on a lake. I wanted neighbors I could hang out with. I wanted to feel safe walking down the street any time of day. I wanted a house that felt like my own personal oasis every morning. (See photo.)  11 months later, with just enough time to pack before my lease was up, I bought a lovely lake house in a nice neighborhood, within my budget, and less than a mile away. I couldn’t ask for more social neighbors whom I am proud to call friends, and I can simply walk out my back door to go kayaking anytime I want. It truly is a dream come true. 

Here’s an example of the power of less-than-positive thinking. I am very security focused. I worry about personal safety and protecting my personal information – a lot (even after 20 years of meditation). So, I became quite the expert on security systems and cybersecurity. I even installed my own security system. Guess what happened? Someone stole my identity by hacking a government site, and then set up a fake account in my name to get state-sponsored unemployment benefits. 

I created both situations… certainly not the second one consciously, but I created it, nonetheless. Again, that’s why it’s so important to be mindful and to meditate. I am certainly not perfect, but I live much more consciously than I used to. I continue to learn and grow, even when the lessons are uncomfortable. I’m certainly much more aware now of my tendency to go into fear about my safety and security than I was before identity theft, and through this awareness, I can now work on releasing that fear and live more comfortably. 

Let’s look at some other evidence of the power of thought.

This Science Daily article explains how quantum physics researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science conducted a highly controlled experiment that demonstrated how a beam of electrons can be affected by the mere act of being observed; the observer’s attention changed the electrons’ behavior. 

In Psychology Today, Dr. Feldman talks about how psychologists are increasingly teaching mindfulness meditation to help clients tune into thoughts they previously weren’t noticing, so that they can then begin changing them through conscious repetitive practice. By changing their thoughts, they can change their experiences in life.

Abraham-Hicks calls this the Law of Attraction – that which is like unto itself is drawn. 

Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey created a podcast on the subject. Belief Creates Reality

Even the Bible has several verses about the power of your thoughts, including: 

  • Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! – Deuteronomy 30:19 
  • Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. – Romans 12:2 
  • Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. – Philippians 4:8
  • As someone thinks within himself, so he is. – Proverbs 23:7

Now that you know how important and powerful your thoughts are, please consider taking a class with BlissNinny. We offer in-body meditation training to help you live more consciously. Create the best version of your own reality through the power of your thought.