Why I’m Glad to Be a BlissNinny

by | Spirituality

(By former founding member, Annette Wisniewski)

For me, our vision statement says it all, but I’ve been charged with writing 500 words, so I’ll elaborate on a few of my favorite beliefs, not in any particular order.

Playfulness: BlissNinnies Unite! We chose the ridiculous name of “BlissNinny AiryFairy WooWoo Wellness Center” as a reminder not to take life, our ourselves, too seriously. In fact, one of our founding members only suggested the name out of sarcasm, since the terms “BlissNinny”, “AiryFairy”, and “WooWoo” can have negative associations. It took many of us a long time to get neutral to those terms, and to eventually find them amusing. That is why I am proud to be a BlissNinny. We really do use our tools to find neutrality, live consciously, and have fun. I look forward to attracting others who are interested in doing the same.

Assume Love: Hugs Welcome! We respect each other and assume that we are all doing the best we can in the moment. We know that most negative emotion comes from a place of fear or pain, not intentional hostility. If someone is having a bad day, we don’t immediately jump into judgment. We stop, ground, and breathe, and then work on identifying and releasing the root cause of their distress. I feel supported while encouraged to take responsibility for my own drama games.

Honesty: No 3-Dollar Bills, Please. We don’t abide phonies here. I know that I am among people who love me for who I really am; they actually prefer the real me, warts and all, to the facades I usually present to the world. And they often remind me of that. I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not. Judi often says, “It’s not what you do; it’s why you do it.” It is a challenge for me to remain conscious of the “why”, but it is easier here. I find this both refreshing and rewarding. If someone here gives me a gift or shows me a kindness, it is not to buy a future favor. It is truly a gift from the heart. I am learning to do the same.

We are all ONE. a.k.a. God’s Disco Ball. We recognize that we are all connected. Our goal for this center is to help others understand and grow from their life experiences. By doing so, we not only help those individuals, but we help ourselves and the world as a whole. Each of us has different talents and skills to offer in support of that goal. I am honored to be counted one of the members of this group. They constantly inspire me to become a better version of myself, sometimes in the most infuriating ways.  🙂

I feel truly blessed to be here.
