Assume Love™ Class Series


(Prerequisite: Meditation III)

Having learned to identify and own your energy and clear your space in Meditation I and II, Healing I expands your ability to identify and consciously use your psychic skills, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, psychometry, and other abilities. As you learn to hold your space while you facilitate another’s healing using neutral earth and universal energies, you are guided to become more aware of your own dynamics of injury or woundedness, and, by bringing them to consciousness, heal them. Healing I focuses on facilitating energy healing in the chakras and subtle bodies, identifying basic clearing techniques. As you perform healings, you begin to learn to keep yourself in a meditative space with your eyes open. You will be paired with a disincarnate healer-guide to support you in performing healing work and to help you learn to maintain your seniority with all of the interesting spirits-forms that are out there.


(Prerequisite: Healing I)

Having learned to work with an out-of-body being in Healing I, Healing II will continue to give you the opportunity to consciously use your psychic skills while holding your space in the presence of another while maintaining a meditative state. You’ll intertwine the energy healing you learned in Healing I with more direct physical healing techniques that work with the physical body. You will be paired with a second disincarnate healer-guide to support you in performing healing work directly on the body. You will be encouraged to use your clairvoyance to take advantage of what your healer-guide can show you.