Why I Am Excited About BlissNinny

by | Spirituality

I am so thankful, excited, and eager to create a healing collective through BlissNinny that will touch lives, spark inspiration, create BIG personal breakthroughs and usher humanity towards its higher purpose as we walk this reality together. I firmly believe in what we do and I have SO much enthusiasm for the aspects of God that are embodied in my best friends, co-workers, and BlissNinny co-founders: Judi, Chris, and Annette.

But when the name of our center was first suggested to a roaring laughter of enthusiasm, I’ll admit I sat back in the conference room with some hidden reserve, wondering why in the world we would want to sink a nail into the coffin of our healing center before its very conception with an off-the-wall name like that!

Later on, after some sustained thought and many, many hours (days, months) of energy work, I have come to realize that that was the point of the name. Nearly every healing, meditation, mystery school, and self-help center out there tends to sit on the spectrum of either “light” and “airy”; “business-savvy”; or “deep, dark, and mystical,” all the while striving to be taken seriously as an authority within their discipline. BlissNinny fits none of those boxes. That’s why she’s so special– but it isn’t the only reason.

The BlissNinny AiryFairy WooWoo Wellness Center is a great, big pattern interrupt. Stemming from an inside joke that poked fun at ourselves as well as at the self-proclaimed, exalted spiritual centers of the Western World, the early tagline of our meditation and healing center went something like: “The BlissNinny AiryFairy WooWoo Wellness Center featuring Pseudoscience, Alternative History  and Occult Posturing.” [See my doodle from one of our meetings.] The name of the center is another way for us to remember NOT to take life, ourselves, and our growth so seriously and intensely. I choose to be a part of the BlissNinny AiryFairy WooWoo Wellness Center because it means being a part of a group that is the perfect blend of shared calling, community, and service. To be a member of this group reflects all of my inner core values and multiplies them through the collective, like light through a magnifying glass. “Cogito ergo sum”: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 

The healing capacity and potential with this group is so special– and I feel that we are stronger together than individually, alone. Finding a core group of kindred spirits that genuinely want to facilitate the healing of others, including the earth herself, with NO ego gratification, is a rarity among most healing circles and centers. It just feels good to help others!

Additionally, acknowledgment of free will hasn’t been a readily available perspective in many of the groups with whom I’ve worked. The fact that we do honestly acknowledge it and work it into the cornerstone of our conscious healing process is one of the “golden coins” that I feel makes us unique and effective at what we do. Not everyone can have the safety and encouragement to be conscious and gently call attention to the games they may be playing in a given moment. But this aspect is crucial to our understanding of free will, AND to our own personal growth, as uncomfortable as it may be at times.

I know I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for the tools and techniques that we teach here at BlissNinny. I live and breathe what we are offering and can’t wait to share with others the wisdom that these tools can bring, just as a kind stranger would offer a glass of water to a weary traveler from the dusty road.

See you out there.